Email us at

Some things to keep in mind before you write us:

Due to a significant volume of such requests, we generally cannot give free advice, such as about how to start a business. just like you, we are also still figuring out how to learn, teach, think, and write about place-based skills and ecological consciousness in a less-than ideal cultural climate. our ability to discuss this at length with people we don’t know is very limited.

We also regret that we cannot respond to all requests for interviews. please note that we have many interviews, both in written and audio form, posted on this website for folks to refer to and cite.

we are probably ok with you citing us in your academic research, just ask to make sure.

consultation services are only accepted on a case-by-case basis as we do not want to center this in our work. we are not jedi/deij professionals, nor do we want to become so. we are trained scholars, educators, and naturalists.

We are currently not accepting mentees or volunteers as we have very few such positions which are currently filled. generally, we are a little more wary if someone wants to volunteer or be mentored and they haven’t been to any of our classes, engaged with us at prior, been a patron, etc. during the pandemic, this expectation has of course been waived due to our in person offerings being very reduced, but it is important to keep in mind nonetheless. our nervous systems don’t function very well if we are approached with what appears to be a very transactional manner or a manner in which there are expectations placed upon us that seem unreasonable.